I hope you are well. I am in Ljubljana with my cat until 2 May. We came from Portugal and my cat has an EU pet passport. I am wondering when I fly back to Lisbon if I could get some gabapentin from you to help him be calm on the flight. Also, I will need a cat sitter in April while I go to a conference. I am wondering if you all provide in-home cat care services or know someone who I could pay to come feed and check in on him?


Getting gabapentin isn’t an issue, as long as you’ve used it before and you know your cat reacts well to it. I presume he’ll be flying with you in the cabin and not in the cargo hold? We don’t provide any kind of at home services, but perhaps try some of the pet hotels in Ljubljana? They usually have services where they will come to check on your cat a few times per day for feedings, interaction, etc. Aleksandra Slapšak, dvm


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